Sunday, February 23, 2025

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It’s already November 15th, 2019; it looks like nothing is happening. All you have written down for the year has not come to through yet. All you ever needed, aspired for, all your new year revolution and all that stuffs for a better life, not one has happened. Look, don’t you give up. The year is almost coming to an end, doesn’t mean that you can’t still achieve all what you desire. At least, you are alive and able to stand on your own, it’s enough for you to know that you can still go further in achieving your desires. You have tried and tried, gone to people for help, gone to one place or the other for assistance, nothing to show for it, all your efforts are in total waste, my dear, do not worry. Life is full of ups and downs, no one is better than the other. It’s all about you. Are you willing to continue trying or you have decided to let it all go? Get yourself motivated everyday by starting something no matter, how small it will be. Someone said that success doesn’t come to you and find you or say here I am, take me, no way. It’s you that will go out there and find the success you truly want. Don’t sit at home doing nothing. People are watching you to know how you will be in the future. Don’t allow people around you to compare you with other people outside. Purse your dreams because no one will do it for you. Oh my parents have a big company, I don’t need to work, it is a lie. There is no food for the lazy man. You are you, there are people who are slow and others are faster, but it is still you. You are the one to change your life to make it better. You have failed before but you can still do it. You make mistakes and learn from those mistakes and make things right to be successful as you want. You may have the strength and knowledge to achieve success but if you are not willing, you can’t achieve it. Let everyday count. The year is not yet over, you can still do if you try. You are a brave person, you are smart and you are stronger than you think. Keep it going, don’t let it stop. Keep dreaming, but dream and make it a reality in life too. Ignore everything that can stop you, you can do it. Above all, you need God to see you through. Praise, pray and ask him to help you. The year is not over yet, you can still make it

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