Friday, March 7, 2025

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         Hi guys, welcome back to another segment of CELEBRITY’S WORLD here on WORDS FROM NANCY’S BLOG. This week, we have a gospel artist, lover of God, good looking and all you could ever imagine. I give you, ADEYINKA OLANREWAJU OKELEYE.

1. So Yinka, please in your own words, tell everyone about yourself.

Thank you Nancy for Having me, I’m honored and humbled.

So my Name is Adeyinka olanrewaju Okeleye, from Ogun state, Nigeria , 2nd Child of a family of 4 , 3 boys and a girl(last born) . Graduated from Bowen University , Iwo, where I studied sociology and anthropology . I love Jesus, I love to sing , and I’m here ready to spread His good tidings ❤

2. What will you say about your music, you are a gospel artist, how did it start for you?

So I could always sing but never really took it serious early, but it all started when I was serving in Ebonyi State , Nigeria, NCCF , where my love for ministry started and music was one way I could spread the love of God and through that He would draw men unto Himself, so I joined the team and started to hear from God clearly that this was the part he wanted me to trail.

3. Why did you choose gospel music if not going into the secular music?

The goal is not just to put out songs , but songs that will bring us closer to God , edify, strengthens the spirit man ,that reveal his nature, that draws us back to Abba, and as scripture says in Matthew 28 vs19-21, Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: VS 20 says Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

Spread His good news, and music is an important tool he has given me.

4.Can you please share more light about you being a Christian, why should give their lives to Christ?

Me being a child of God is the best thing that has happened to me and is still happening, imagine a dark room and suddenly light appears or it gets illuminated, that’s my story, confused for so long, angry for so long , idea-less for so long , but encountered the one who has all the answers to every question, the will all the solutions to every problem, “In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.” John 1:4-5 now it looks like we’ve all figured it out, but without him we’ll still be in obscurity, darkness , confused. So knowing Jesus and walking with Him is fulfilling and it can only get better, so I’m saying every one, knowing God is continuous as well, so those who do not know him as well, that have been confused, idea-less, worries, He’s the answer to all those questions , so just receive Him am start the journey of a fulfilling life.

5. What will you say inspires you to do music?

The Holy Spirit is my number one inspiration , and that’s evident in my writing , I really I’m not one that will say okay Let me write a song, the Holy-spirit breaths those words literately , secondly So, the parable of the talent , 5,2,, we know the story 5 doubles his, 2 doubles his, and one buried His, I had always been gifted to sing so who better to sing about than the one I love more than life itself , also my mum sings aswell and I had always love hearing her song growing up. And my family also they are immense support, number1 human support .

6.Out of all your songs, which will you say is your favorite?

😂😂😂😂😂😂 Okay I love all my song , lol , honestly , and I have almost 8 more I’m recording. They are like your babies , u can’t pick one , different moment and how they all came , chukwumonso came from the Holyspirit In igbo language , I still find it hard to explain None like you was co written by oche, Jesus came when I was burdened in my spirit , the next one which is coming out in June , was during my quiet time on may29, so many and there’s a story behind all ..

7. Do you ever sit down to listen to your music

Wow. I do, Like I’m my number 1 critique so I listen to myself, firstly to improve myself , I get to pick some parts I could do better, or maybe I did over sing some parts , and also there are times I listen to some recordings and I’m blessed, I’m in tear, and makes me wonder how God is so mindful of me to entrust me with some of the sounds He has birth through me. So I listen to myself a lot.

8. Who do you wish to collaborate with in the future

In works that are in the pipeline I have some collaborations I’m work on but I’ll love to have some international collaborations like with Todd dulaney , Matt redman , William McDowell and indeginous Nathaniel bassey (trumpet) dunsin oyekan, NOSA and lots more.

9. Apart from music, what other talents do you have?

😂 😂 😂 okay I’m actually really good with sports , if I was not so into music I’ll probably be a sport man.

10. What is your view about this covid-19?

Covid 19! This pandemic has just succeeded in bringing people closer to God , and I’ll encourage people with same psalm 91 and isa 26:3 , He will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are stayed on Him. And also to tell everyone to stay safe, obey government guidelines as we keep our environment tidy and wash our hands and sanitize regular, the plagues of the Egyptians will not come near us in Jesus name .

11.What will you say are your strengths and weakness in your music career?

Hmmm..  I think what will forever remain strength will be to continuously stay with the father and receive from Him, as humans sometimes the fresh is weak, but but we must learn to overcome the flesh and strengthen our spirit ,if your spirit is strengthened He continue to lead you alright , because He exchanged your weakness for His strength . We can never prevail with fresh, so it’s all weakness without Him.. and we should also never get carried away by fame , names and stage.

12. Finally, what will be your top most advise to people who would like to be a gospel artist like you someday?

Okay! So we must know that the Gospel always comes first before the artist, the artist is a vessel, and must be a consecrated vessel, broken and ready for the masters use, and when He sees you worthy, there will will be an overflow of sounds , until then you must improve your skill by studying His word, improving yourself vocally as well, an artist is someone that a certain level of creativity and mastery so you must improve yourself as well and when opportunity meets preparation success is inevitable. God bless.

            It has been an amazing time interviewing Yinka, once again thanks for doing this interview. GOD bless you greatly. Ok guys, this is what celebrity’s world has for you this week, don’t forget to join us next time to celebrate another celebrity. Remember to always keep clean, be safe and God bless you. I love you. Bye….

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